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School Uniform

It is our school policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school, representing the school, or when participating in a school-organised event outside normal school hours.

Jewellery, make-up, leggings, jeans, nail varnish, ties and trainers are not part of school uniform.

School uniform does not have to have the school logo on.

School uniform:

Grey Trousers, shorts or skirt. 

Red and white checked dress, shorts or 

White shirt or polo shirt

Red sweater or sweatshirt

Black shoes (sandals can be worn in the summer but no open toes)

PE kit:

Grey or black shorts or jogging bottoms

White T-shirt

Red school jumper

Black trainers


Where can you buy school uniform?

1. From any local supermarket or reasonably priced shop.

2. Online with school logo at  https://myclothing.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIg8HOrsTt6wIVS-3tCh2aFQCXEAAYASAAEgIJBvD_BwE

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