We exist in order to BE the People of God and EXTEND the Kingdom of God throughout West Swindon and the Lydiards.
Christian Distinctiveness
We are a Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School.
Buildings and Grounds
This means that our building is owned by trustees.
Our teachers are employed by the governors. Governors may seek evidence of Christian commitment from applicants for teaching posts.
Worship and RE
Collective Worship reflects the Anglican tradition and can include worship in the parish church. The Governors determine a Religious Education syllabus that reflects the Anglican traditions. They usually make use of the Diocesan guidelines.
The Governing Body
In our Governing Body Church (foundation) governors have a majority of two over all other governors. The parish priest is often an ex officio member of the governing body. All governors combine to elect the Chair.
We remain funded through the Local Authority formula. Governors' costs for building work come from locally raised fund and grants. The Diocesan Board of Education assists cashflow for building work.
For school admissions the Governors determine the policy and make the decisions. They must consult the Local Authority and all other schools in the area once every seven years (or whenever they propose a change). The Local Authority administers admissions at the start of the year.
The Local Authority Chief Education Officer and Diocesan Director of Education have right to give advice if agreed in writing by governing body.
We are inspected by OFSTED inspectors who look at most issues. SIAMS inspectors inspect RE, collecitve worship and the school ethos.
Our Church
We belong to an Ecumenical partnership of Churches in West Swindon. We hold services at these churches throughout the school year including: Remembrance Service, Christmas Worship Service, Easter Service. Parents, community and other family members are very welcome to join us for services in church.
Click here to find out more about the West Swindon and the Lydiards Church Partnership
Reverend Clive Deverell based at Saint Mary's Lydiard Tregoze is also a school governor.