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Our School Values

What are our values?

Each term the school takes a value which is the focus of daily worship and circle time.

This value runs through everything that is taught in school.

Our School

We are very proud at Oliver Tomkins School as we feel our school values are a true reflection of British Values.

On a more general level, the school undertakes daily assemblies which uphold traditional values of empathy, respect and tolerance. These are also taught within formal PSHE and RE lessons and on an informal nature throughout the school days.

At Oliver Tomkins, we will actively challenge children, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British Values, including ‘extremist’ views.

As a school we have chosen to reflect discuss and outline the importance of rights and responsibilities with our children and this is futher deepened and explored through our restorative justice practice and policy.

  • Democracy is promoted through a pupil council, pupil questionnaires based on pupil votes and a rewards system
  • Visits from authorities such as the police, fire services or lifeguards reinforce the importance of the rule of law
  • The school ethos and behaviour policy revolve around 'respect' as a core value, and discussions and assemblies focus on what respect means and how it is shown
  • World religion day and  focus country display  promotes languages spoken by students for whom English is an additional language, and members of different faiths or religions are encouraged to share their knowledge

School Prayer Trees


Promoting British Values

Termly Value

Cycle 1 (Autumn 2019 – Summer 2020)

Autumn 1 – Creation and Creativity

Autumn 2 – Truthfulness

Spring 1 – Friendship

Spring 2 – Forgiveness

Summer 1 – Trust

Summer 2 – Courage and Perseverance

Cycle 2 (Autumn 2020 – Summer 2021)

Autumn 1 – Thankfulness

Autumn 2 – Hope

Spring 1 – Peace

Spring 2 – Generosity

Summer 1 – Compassion

Summer 2 – Justice and Responsibility

British Values

  • Democracy
  • Rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance of those of different faiths

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